Discover the power of our market reports that build CRA performance context in a single click.
How do I access Contexter Market Reports?
I’m not able to print or download Market Reports. How do I fix this?
How do I export Contexter Market Report data?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2019?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2020?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2021?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2022?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2023?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2024?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2025?
How have Connecticut Contexter Market Reports changed in 2024 to incorporate planning regions?
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I need help with CRA on a specific initiative, can findCRA assist with this?
I want to support the community, is findCRA right for me?
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What is a CRA Partner Solution?
What is the City Search?
What turnkey solutions do you offer that can help me meet my bank's CRA goals?
Where can I find your Privacy Policy and Disclosures?
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Where is findCRA available?
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Getting Started
Which domains should I whitelist for findCRA's software?
As a credit union, can I use findCRA?
How can I find out when new communities are added to Community Qualifier?
How do I log into my account?
How does a bank work with findCRA?
How does a nonprofit work with findCRA?
How much does it cost to use findCRA's software?
I'm a for-profit company, how can I use findCRA?
I'm a government entity, how can I use findCRA?
What does findCRA do?
Where can I access news on the Community Reinvestment Act?
Where can I find out more about the Community Reinvestment Act?
Where can I find resources to help me with my upcoming CRA exam?
Where is findCRA available?
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Managing Your Account
How can I add other people from my bank to my findCRA account?
How do I change my email address?
How do I reset my findCRA password?
How do I update my user and bank information?
Community Qualifier
How can I request to have nonprofits reviewed in a specific community?
How do banks and nonprofits interact on findCRA?
How do I contact nonprofits through findCRA?
How do I create a custom list of saved nonprofits?
How do I invite nonprofits to claim their findCRA profile?
How do I search nonprofits?
How do I submit feedback about a nonprofit?
How do you qualify nonprofits that appear in the search results?
How does findCRA select nonprofits to be listed on Community Qualifier?
How often is nonprofit data updated on Community Qualifier?
I don't see a nonprofit I think should be listed, how can I have them added?
I'm not able to print or download Nonprofit Profiles. How do I fix this?
The geography I'm searching in doesn't have any nonprofits listed. How can I still use findCRA?
What information is included on a Nonprofit Profile and where does it come from?
What sources do you use to qualify nonprofits?
Who can see a Nonprofit Profile page?
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How do I access Contexter Market Reports?
I'm not able to print or download Market Reports. How do I fix this?
How do I export Contexter Market Report data?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2019?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2020?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2021?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2022?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2023?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2024?
What data sources are used in Contexter Market Reports for 2025?
How have Connecticut Contexter Market Reports changed in 2024 to incorporate planning regions?
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For Nonprofits
How do banks and nonprofits interact on findCRA?
How do I access CRA Tools?
How do I add or remove users from my team?
How do I change my email address?
How do I change the Account Owner for my nonprofit?
How do I check if my nonprofit is listed on findCRA?
How do I claim my nonprofit profile?
How do I claim my nonprofit's profile if someone else has already claimed it?
How do I complete the Percent LMI Served field?
How do I complete the Service Area section of my nonprofit profile?
How do I edit my nonprofit profile?
How do I get started with findCRA?
How do I reset my findCRA password?
How do I update my user information?
How does a nonprofit work with findCRA?
How does findCRA select nonprofits to be listed on Community Qualifier?
How does my nonprofit become CRA Verified?
How much does it cost to claim my nonprofit profile?
My nonprofit isn't listed on your platform, how can I have it added?
What are CRA Income Characteristics?
What does "CRA Verified" mean?
What does it mean to be the Account Owner of a nonprofit?
What does it mean to claim my nonprofit?
What information can I edit on my nonprofit profile?
Who can see a nonprofit profile page?
Why can't I edit certain fields on my nonprofit profile?
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