We know that preparing for and documenting your CRA performance for an upcoming CRA examination can be a time-consuming process. At findCRA, we’ve assembled most of the documents that you’ll need to prepare for an exam into a single location, fully searchable, so that you can find answers to your examination questions with a simple keyword search.
To start, visit our socrates CRA Learning Center and open up the Knowledge Base section by clicking the link in the top right corner or by clicking the tile labeled “CRA Knowledge Base”.

From there, you’ll notice that we’ve created four helpful sections of CRA resources. The CRA Basics section consists of Q&As developed by our CRA experts on key concepts of the Community Reinvestment Act. The CRA Regulations section includes the most current Regulation BB published by the OCC, the FDIC and the Federal Reserve as well as the updated 2016 Interagency Questions & Answers. The socrates spotlight section features a catalogue of published articles related to CRA that provide guidance on a wide range of CRA topics and issues. Finally, the CRA Examination Procedures section includes the official regulatory CRA exam procedures for all types of financial institutions.

The best thing about our Knowledge Base is that all of its content is indexed and fully searchable from a single location. Using the search bar, you can search the Knowledge Base specifically and enter any term or keyword(s) to return all instances where that keyword appears across all of the regulatory documents as well as findCRA’s own guidance.